
I suppose the subject pulls no punches with what we’re going to do. We are going to have simple form with a file upload and a button. Once we hit the button, whatever file was selected is going to ride the magic internet carpet and appear in an Amazon S3 bucket.




Code behind:


2.  protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

3.  		{

4.  			string result = Program.GetServiceOutput();

5.  			Label1.Text = result;

6.  		}


Class file for AWSCalls;


2.  using Amazon;   // these are part of the AWSSDK.dll that you add to the project

3.  using Amazon.S3;

4.  using Amazon.S3.Model;

5.  ....

6.  public static void SendFileToS3(string filename, Stream ImgStream)

7.  		{

8.  			string accessKey = "Access Key here!";

9.  			string secretAccessKey = "Secret Key goes here!";

10. 			string bucketName = "Bucket Name goes Here!";

11. 			string keyName = filename; 


13. 			AmazonS3 client = Amazon.AWSClientFactory.CreateAmazonS3Client(accessKey, secretAccessKey);

14. 			PutObjectRequest request = [new][1] PutObjectRequest();


16. 			request.WithInputStream(ImgStream);


18. 			request.WithBucketName(bucketName);

19. 			request.WithKey(keyName);

20. 			request.StorageClass = S3StorageClass.ReducedRedundancy; //set storage to reduced redundancy

21. 			client.PutObject(request);

22. 		}

So there you have it! We take a file, throw it into a page…. and that page does a heave-ho to Amazon S3. It also goes the extra step to set it to ReducedRedundancy to save you a pretty penny.